Monthly Archives: October 2010

Long Time No Post

Well, I have not posted in over 2 months. I know, no excuses! I had a couple of weddings (including mine!) and company visiting and the start of a new project. *Like I need another one to add to the pile! HAHA

The recipients of their gifts LOVED them!! Whew!

My watercolor one is still going strong. I am working on the 3-color one that is almost ready to start putting squares together. I have too many projects going at once. I have 9 patches that are ready for sashing and a king sized top that is ready for quilting.  Goodness!! It didn’t seem like a lot until I started writing it all down!! HAHA

My goal for the next 2 months is to see how many of these unfinished projects I can finish. A couple of them I would like to have before christmas so we will see! 🙂

I did finish a couple of birthday gifts…a few dishcloths and an apron! See, I am able to finish some things that I start! HAHA I just forgot to get pictures of those. 😦

A few pictures…

Some kid-friendly backing I picked up for $2 a yd at the local quilt store…Not sure what it will back yet…hmmmmm….

Some solids that I picked up….they are destined to be a part of the  greatest quilt ever! Well, I think it may come in 2nd to my Marshall Quilt. LOL

Would you like to see what they are slowly becoming????

Does it look familiar yet???

Do you recognize it now?? We have some super mario brothers going on here!!

I got the pattern off of Etsy and while it looks awesome as it is being slowly completed, it is definately the most piece heavy quilt I have made yet. So many pieces that I have to keep them all organized in baggies with their measurements on the outside of each one. I sew it up row by row so as to not get myself too confused or lost. Its not perfect but it wouldn’t be original if t was, right?

There will be a pipe that mario will be standing on, a brick that the gumba is on  as well as a turtle at the bottom. This one may go one hold for a little while but I had to show what I have completed so far.

Thats it for now. Hopefully I will have some progress on those unfinished projects here soon.

Wish me luck! 🙂

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